Vuokko Takala-Schreib
DrA Vuokko Takala-Schreib has a professional gaze of visual culture as she is also making research of visual culture. She criticized the Finnish design and art exhibition organisations and discourses of power in her doctoral dissertation in 2000. As a professor emerita of design, she now studies visual form languages and colors in her paintings. Upon her retirement she wrote a textbook of visual consuming, taste, form languages and gaze for Aalto University. In 2020 she co-foundered of an art gallery, Studio+Gallery Rio11, in Helsinki and works with young artists in exhibitions.
taiteilijan kotisivut:
Works for sale
Kasvot maljassaYear: 2024Price: € 350For collectors
Pilvet 2Year: 2024Price: € 300For collectors
Pilvet vuoristossaYear: 2024Price: € 500For collectors
MaisemaYear: 2025Price: € 500For collectors
Pilvet 1Year: 2024Price: € 300For collectors
PeilausYear: 2024Price: € 300For collectors
Outo kuvioYear: 2024Price: € 500For collectors
Keltainen maisemaYear: 2024Price: € 400For collectors
HeijastuksiaYear: 2024Price: € 400For collectors
SadepilvetYear: 2025Price: € 300For collectors
SaarekkeitaYear: 2025Price: € 500For collectors
Metsän rajaYear: 2025Price: € 300For collectors
IkkunassaYear: 2024Price: € 300For collectors
Solut vihreälläYear: 2023Price: € 350For collectors
Solut keltaisellaYear: 2023Price: € 350For collectors
HermosolujaYear: 2023Price: € 950For collectors
KypäräYear: 2022Price: € 750For collectors
MustardYear: 2024Price: € 350For collectors
PinkkipunaYear: 2024Price: € 350For collectors
KeltakaariYear: 2024Price: € 350For collectors
KonkretkeltaYear: 2024Price: € 350For collectors
Iso punainenYear: 2024Price: € 750For collectors
Beigen valtaYear: 2024Price: € 150For collectors
Punaisen väritYear: 2024Price: € 250For collectors
Toka siniYear: 2024Price: € 140For collectors
Punaiset suorakaiteetYear: 2024Price: € 850For collectors
KolmiosiniYear: 2024Price: € 350For collectors
SinihorisonttiYear: 2024Price: € 350For collectors
HermosäjeYear: 2024Price: € 800For collectors
MehiläinenYear: 2024Price: € 250For collectors
TalotYear: 2024Price: € 350For collectors
KasvihuoneYear: 2024Price: € 350For collectors
Pako avaruuteenYear: 2025Price: € 850For collectors
KasvokkainYear: 2024Price: € 850For collectors
Pressan valtaYear: 2024Price: € 750For collectors
Aivot magentaYear: 2024Price: € 150For collectors
Aivot kutonenYear: 2024Price: € 150For collectors
Aivot vitonenYear: 2024Price: € 150For collectors
Jätkät kirjastossaYear: 2024Price: € 1800For collectors
Heiluva puuYear: 2024Price: € 350For collectors
Hajoava tilaYear: 2024Price: € 350For collectors
Koditon tilassaYear: 2024Price: € 2000For collectors
Hirmumyrksy tulossaYear: 2024Price: € 2000For collectors
Liekeissä metsästäYear: 2024Price: € 1800For collectors
Reiluuden algoritmiYear: 2024Price: € 1800For collectors
Mehiläishoitaja KUVA: Olga HyvönenYear: 2024Price: € 1800For collectors