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Gallerian pohjapiirros Lataa tästä
Virtuaalinen 3d -tilaesittely Tästä

Gallerian tiloissa toimii myös KonttoriKauppa, KonttoriKaupasta löytyy uniikit yrityslahjat, ylioppilaslahjat sekä syntymäpäivälahjat.


The gallery is one focused on and known for promoting and supporting undiscovered artists. New and experimental are both a priority and a preference.

The gallery space consists of 60 square meters and is rectangle shaped, lenghtwise facing the street. The space has windows that face South and is extremely abundant in terms of light.

Attached to the main gallery space is a smaller salon, which is can be rented for different art projects as well as an extension for exhibitions. The salon space is 19 square meters.