Mari Mäntynen


Mari Mäntynen (b. 1997) is a Finnish photo and video artist known for blending
documentary with performativity, often featuring herself in her quirky works. She
explores tensions and challenges viewers to confront themselves, others, and
difficult issues, frequently asking: “How could we understand each other better?” In
addition to her own artistic practice, Mäntynen enjoys collaborating with fashion
designers and artists to create vivid visual worlds. She is currently pursuing a
Master of Arts at Uniarts Helsinki’s Academy of Fine Arts.


  • Swan, diptych, editio 1/5
  • Up to the task, editio 1/5
  • How the horse sleeps?, editio 1/5
  • Your move, editio 1/5
  • On the qui vive, editio 1/5
  • A soft spot, editio 1/5
  • The Dryad, editio 1/5
  • Alert, editio 1/5
  • Transcendence, editio 1/5
  • The Urge   editio 1/5
  • Move  editio 1/5
  • Could We Meet? editio 1/5
